Wednesday 23 March 2011

Filming Stage 2

Now that I have footage imported and edited to the song, I can now plan to film the 2nd stage of my music video. This section of filming will take place in the school Drama Hall. I have spoken to the head of drama at our school and have been given the go ahead, giving me 3 hours tomorrow in the location to film. This time limit is ideal as I am going to use the first hour to set up equipment and the other two to film. An update will follow in due course, notifying how the filming has gone.

24/03/11 UPDATE : I have just got back from filming the 2nd stage of my production and I have to say that it was stressful. It wasnt so much the filming that was the problem, it was the planning and moving the equipment from place to place. However the first hour gave me more than enough time to eventually set everything so that I could commence filming. I'l update the post as soon as the footage has been imported into Final Cut Express. Please find below images of the 'set up' that I used in the Drama Hall.

27/03/11 UPDATE : The footage obtained has now been successfuly imported into Final Cut Express. Now the editing process has begun, The next post will be once editing has been completed.

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