Thursday 10 March 2011

Casting Problems

I have recently been talking to Inferno and they have decided not to take part in the music video because of upcoming exams and the time it will take to film may interrupt their revision schedules. Although this is not practical for myself, I can understand their reasons to why they are unable to appear in the video.

So because of this change, I had to rethink and now have created a back up plan. This plan consists of the video being shot in two locations. The first location will stay as the drama hall, featuring one character with various glowing items e.g glow sticks, face paints etc. The second location that I have chosen is filming driving down the road at night, watching how the night has an orange coloured 'glow' to it.

Having two locations will break up the music video, giving me more to work with thus making for a better music video.

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