Friday 1 October 2010

My Musical Taste

Explain and illustrate with examples your personal musical preferences.

When listening to music, I try to look out for the meaning/hidden messages in the songs whether it be about personal situations or current affairs. So when narrowing down my musical preferences, I find it hard because there are so many genres to like out there. However I have chosen three songs which I enjoy listening to.

Look Through My Eyes - Phil Collins - Pop

This song is based around other peoples views on topics or even life. Its saying that you should think and also take into account other peoples views and not just your own.

Where Is The Love - Black Eyed Peas - R&B

This particular songs 'hidden message' can be found in the lyrics. Its stating how people are only care for themselves and not to others i.e. referring to poverty. So they are questioning 'Where Is The Love'.

America - Razorlight - Indie rock

I find this song to be interesting as the meaning in the song is about someones feeling of isolation and boredom because of American culture. However, because of the message, I have found whilst listening to the song that it can be referred to the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers.

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